Workplace Trends

Transparent Expectations

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How do you get to the root of what you want to accomplish? What helps you streamline your communication in day-to-day interactions? Where do you start to achieve common goals? Authentic exchange. Vulnerability. Transparency. 

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Goal Setting

Our COO, Noam, takes a minute at the beginning of every meeting to address what he wants to accomplish: within the meeting itself, and its surrounding projects and long-term goals. Notes are taken, expectations are made clear, and the meeting continues. Declaring goals at the beginning of each day, meeting, or week, helps to narrow in on the main point that your company is looking to drive.

Authentically Engaged

The most important part of this collaboration is a sense of authentic discussion – if you don’t agree on what you’re working towards, and with what intentions, there is little point in working on it.

People appreciate a sense of engagement, both from those they follow, and those with whom they work. They want to know that what is expected of them is also expected of you: a commitment to common goals. Taking the time to set goals that include and propel your team forward is instrumental to a constructive business model.

Longer Lists

Don’t forget that meetings beget meetings: making notes of each goal, and whether they’ve been reached, can foster a longer to-do list for the next meeting. This is not a bad thing. In this sense, you are actively making sure that you are meeting your own expectations, and following through on significant project goals that, at times, can feel as though they’ll never see the light of day. 

Not enough of our modern work environment considers clarity or vulnerability a company goal. As a result, many employers are frustrated when their own goals are not met. This is why it’s essential to bring a human element into your office. Include your staff in common goals. Make a practice of sharing.

Meet Your Own Expectations

All in all, goal setting, sincere discussion and collaborative efforts will improve the likelihood of forging a successful, authentic office environment in which you can all fully flourish. It begins with you. We all know that we cannot reap what we have not sown; make sure that you’re all planting the same things, with transparent expectations about them.

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Picture of Mason Bradley

Mason Bradley

Mason Bradley is a marketing maestro, social media savant, and customer success champion. He has been working for iotum for many years to help create content for brands like Aside from his love of pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, Mason enjoys writing blogs and reading about blockchain technology. When he isn’t at the office, you can probably catch him on the soccer field, or at the “Ready To Eat” section of Whole Foods.

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