Inspire Collaboration With Screen Sharing

Every course of action can be demonstrated for instant reach and streamlined action.

How It Works

  1. Enter the online meeting room.
  2. Click the “Share” icon at the top of your meeting room.
  3. Choose to share your entire screen, an application window, or a Chrome tab.
  4. Click “Share” button in the right corner of the popup.
  5. Navigate to the window or tab you want to share.
Screen sharing

Efficient Collaboration

Make presentations or training sessions more dynamic when attendees can see what’s being shared in real-time right before their eyes.

Accelerated Productivity

Click and your screen is open for attendees to get
a full view of your screen. Communication improves when everyone can see the same document virtually.

Document Sharing
screen share

Better Participation

With screen sharing, participants are encouraged to add to the discussion by leaving comments and making changes to  the presentation immediately. 

Speaker Spotlight

Feel closer to presenters while using Speaker Spotlight. In large conferences, the host can pin a key speaker so all eyes are on them instead of being distracted and interrupted by other participant’s tiles.

Spotlight speaker

Screen Sharing Empowers Expert Collaboration

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