How a Video Call Recorder Can Help Remote Workers Stay on Track
Managers of remote teams have a difficult and unique task to face. Never before has it been possible to connect and collaborate with team members so easily and seamlessly from virtually anywhere across the globe. Thanks to advances like conference and video calls, the 21st century workplace is demanding more than ever before from managers, but luckily, they have the tools to succeed in this new environment. By leveraging tools such as Callbridge’s video call recorder, managers of remote teams can keep their employees accountable and on track.
Among Callbridge’s other offerings, video call recording is an excellent tool for managers to keep track of their remote teams, whether they are working from home or abroad. Let’s take a moment to go through some of the benefits of using it for your next team project:
Being Able to Record Meetings Keep Teams Accountable
It is a well-known fact that people act differently when they know they are being recorded. When your remote teams know that you have a video call recorder on during your online meetings and conference calls, they will subconsciously know that they cannot conveniently “forget” about projects that they dislike, and they can’t tell little white lies or fibs to save face with their bosses and employers.
It’s never a good idea to assume that your team will try and shirk their duties, but part of your role as a manager is to remember that everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes, which brings us to our next point.
Having Meeting Records Helps Team Members Need A Refresher
There are times when even a stellar employee will forget a task, or lose track of a due date. Luckily, the next time this happens, your team member will not need to go back to their manager to reconfirm deadlines and deliverables. They will have access to all of the recordings of your past meetings thanks to Callbridge’s video call recorder. Your employee will have the ability to go back through their records to see what they have forgotten, without you having to spend any time or energy.
Having meetings records on-hand for your team members could also bubble up to less time spent on trivial tasks, and more money saved for your company.
Callbridge’s Video Call Recorder Can Become a Tool for Your Team Members as well
After your team is settled into the habit of being recorded during their video calls and conference calls, why not give them the power to make their own recordings?
By giving your team members the ability to make recordings of their own, you not only show that you trust them, but you also give them an opportunity to be self starters within their team. With access to video call recording, your team members can hold recorded meetings with one another without you needing to oversee them, and can even learn to hold recorded meetings with clients in the event of your absence.
When your team has access to a video call recorder, you’ll find that they will not only learn to stay on track, but also grow to fit their new responsibilities and freedoms.
Sign up for your Callbridge free trial today, and read more about video recording and other Callbridge features here.