Best Conferencing Tips

The power-coaches’ secret weapon

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Are you running a coaching or mentoring business?   Do you host “mastermind” groups for your “inner-circle” of associates?  Well, then you know how difficult it can be to find great tools to support your business.  Whether you’re an expert on weight management, relationships, careers, marketing, or any other goal-oriented self-improvement category, you’re a coach to the people who buy your services.

Online coaching has been an explosive category in recent years.  Coaches who use the internet and technologies, like the venerable conference call, are able to dramatically increase the reach and scope of their businesses simply by appealing to a larger audience.  It comes, however, at a price – the loss of one-to-one interaction that is the foundation of a great coaching business.  Fortunately, Callbridge is a great solution for powerful, scalable, yet intimate coaching calls.

Suits all learning styles: visual, auditory, and dynamic

  • Show Powerpoint slides and other documents online.
  • Record calls in MP3 or MP4 and automatically transcribe for later review.
  • Download exercises, and then upload completed work for online discussion.

Great for large or small groups

  • Effective moderation tools, including mute, raise hand / lower hand, collaboration, and lecture modes.
  • Participant avatars create a more intimate environment, even with larger groups.
  • Encourages participation.

Participants attend wherever they are

  • attend your meeting via ordinary telephone or web-browser
  • the integrated dashboard is available on any web-enabled device, or PC
  • iPhone and Android application gives you all the power of Callbridge in the palm of your hand

Bring everyone together, including non-participants

  • access recordings, documents and chat messages afterward allowing them to review everything that was covered at the meeting.

The bottom line? Coaching is about creating an environment of trust and respect, openness, awareness and mindfulness. Too often, the tools we use for online coaching get in the way of creating the coaching dynamic. Callbridge is designed to meet the needs of the coach and to help create the most powerful online coaching environment available today.

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Picture of Mason Bradley

Mason Bradley

Mason Bradley is a marketing maestro, social media savant, and customer success champion. He has been working for iotum for many years to help create content for brands like Aside from his love of pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, Mason enjoys writing blogs and reading about blockchain technology. When he isn’t at the office, you can probably catch him on the soccer field, or at the “Ready To Eat” section of Whole Foods.

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