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How Green Startups Are Using Video Conferencing Solutions To Save The Planet

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callbridgeThe businesses of the future are poised to improve the professional landscape in many ways. Specifically, new startups in Canada and the United States are putting an increasing focus on green initiatives, or practices that minimize the harm that their business operations do to the environment. While the institutions of the past have maintained that profits are the single most important part of doing business, the business leaders of tomorrow also think about their place in the world at large, and how to be stewards of it.

If you are a business owner or a startup employee, you should take note of this trend. Thanks to video conferencing solutions like Callbridge, making your workplace a “greener” one will not only help the environment, but it will actually save you money as well.

Save on paper with video conferencing solutions, and the environment benefits as well

paperAlthough paper can be recycled, it still creates a carbon footprint, putting strain on the environment. If that isn’t enough to make your business want to reduce the amount of paper they use, then consider the financial cost of using more paper than you need.

Callbridge’s document sharing feature allows you to share a document with your meeting guests, and go through the document in real-time, page by page. Guests can also download this document to their devices. Along with the ability to sign documents electronically that comes standard with Google Chrome and applications like Adobe Reader, Callbridge’s document sharing can help to eliminate the need for physical documents for a variety of tasks, such as hiring, reporting, and learning new information.

Cut travel costs for both your business and the environment

TravelTravel can quickly become a huge business expense, especially if your business has international clients or partners. Travel can also be costly for the environment as well, since the fossil fuels from car and plane exhausts can contribute to the depletion of our planet’s ozone.

Callbridge’s easy-to-use video and phone conferencing tool offers both you and your employees a way to connect with anyone from any part of the world, as long as they have access to the internet or a phone line.

With the assistance of video conferencing solutions like Callbridge, the only travel expenses that you will have to incur will be from transporting your employees to and from the annual holiday party.

Even unexpected problems can be handled by Callbridge

It is understandable if you are still unsure about switching to a video conferencing solution to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Most businesses are slow to adopt new technology for fear of facing an unexpected problem that they don’t know how to solve.

Callbridge does everything it can to allay these fears by offering download-free conferencing from any device, whether by phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. Connecting with guests is as easy as possible, whether they are first-time joiners, or experienced conference callers.

If your business is looking to increase its meeting capabilities with a video conferencing solution that is good for your business and the environment, consider trying Callbridge free for 30 days.

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Picture of Sara Atteby

Sara Atteby

As customer success manager, Sara works with every department in iotum to make sure customers are getting the service they deserve. Her diverse background, working in a variety of industries in three different continents, helps her to thoroughly understand each client’s needs, wants and challenges. In her spare time, she is a passionate photography pundit and martial arts maven.

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