Best Conferencing Tips

How Web Conferencing (And Other Tech) Is Shaping The Future Of The Workplace

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There was a time when every transaction, every meeting, and every exchange was done face to face. In-person was the only way. Until the advent of the automatic bank teller, patiently standing in a single file out the door and down the block, to turn a paycheck into cash on a Friday afternoon was normal. Nowadays, who even sees money? We trade, pay, and get a direct deposit with a few swipes and clicks, never having to set foot out the front door.

Since automation has been actively connecting the dots to make our lives smarter and more convenient, we’ve replaced being ‘in-person’ with technology. One of the ways we continue to do so is with web conferencing. While business people have expressed concern over how much technology is relied on to seal the deal, it’s clearly a sign of the times. Many workers are on virtual teams, working remotely and do in fact need telecommunications, like web conferencing and video conferencing to get the job done.

With an incredible amount of sophisticated technology at our fingertips, these tools can be used to empower business through more powerful communication. This, in turn, is encouraging better collaboration and integration in the workplace which is leading to a cultural shift in the marketplace. As long as the right tech is applied in the right way, forging a path in this direction can only boost scalability, agility, and flexibility. Consider the following points regarding just how much automation has impacted the workplace:

Web ConferencingEncouraging Remote Work

By implementing high-quality web conferencing communication technology, businesses are able to grow – exponentially. The ability to hire internationally positions companies as more inclusive and diverse, plus saves overhead, real estate and gives full-time employees a better work-life balance. In 2015, 23% of employees reported doing some of their work remotely, up from 19% in 2003.

Accelerating Employee Productivity

Time management isn’t taught in school, but it’s expected and highly regarded in the workplace. Thankfully, web conferencing has an app for that. Much of the communication technology that’s sweeping across offices around the world is conveniently available on an app on your smartphone! Even project management tools can be downloaded and accessed in the palm of your hand, wherever you are, encouraging digital well-being and flex time. On your laptop, features like a time zone scheduler, auto invitations, and outlook integration, optimize daily working routines and schedules and contribute to better connection and efficiency.

Minimizing Security Problems

With web conferencing and other forms of revolutionary technology comes ultramodern safety features. Security is reinforced using state-of-the-art codes and highly sophisticated algorithms to track unusual use or forced entry. Companies can monitor employees, therefore reducing the probability of getting involved with any misdoings. Plus, with fingerprint and facial recognition, the workplace can remain safe for everyone.

ConferencingEnhancing Cooperative Collaboration

Bridging the gap between departments and long distances is easy when you enable web conferencing. Initiating a meeting with the group can be done in minutes. Firing off an important text in the group chat can be done in moments. Posting shared documents in cloud storage for everyone to access can be accomplished in seconds!

Maintaining Organization

Project management tools are a very visual way of organizing tasks and projects for everyone to understand. Seeing who has what helps to build, review and delegate with much more ease and less broken telephone, increasing workflow and bumping up efficiency. Day-to-day operations are accounted for and large-scale projects can be broken down clearly.

Re-imagining How Businesses Communicate

In or out of the workplace, employees can contact each other via multiple streams, including web conferencing. Through smartphones alone, team members have a direct line through social networking sites, chat apps and group telecommunications software, literally in the palm of their hand. Information and data can be disseminated immediately amongst upper management and trickled down to execs by means of web conferencing, and video or call conferencing. Engaging in important discussions doesn’t require actually stepping into the room, and with powerful tech, it shouldn’t have to.


Web conferencing and other technology are dramatically changing traditional workplaces in favor of a more integrated and modern one. Callbridge facilitates high-caliber meetings with high-quality audio and visual capabilities – and with an equally exceptional app. You can expect seamless, cutting edge and reliable communication that levels up web conferencing for a memorable meeting, training or presentation to multiple locations worldwide.

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Picture of Dora Bloom

Dora Bloom

Dora is a seasoned marketing professional and content creator who is enthusiastic about the tech space, specifically SaaS and UCaaS.

Dora began her career in experiential marketing gaining unparalleled hands-on experience with customers and prospects which now attributes to her customer-centric mantra. Dora takes a traditional approach to marketing, creating compelling brand stories and general content.

She is a big believer in Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message” which is why she often accompanies her blog posts with multiple mediums ensuring her readers are compelled and stimulated from start to finish.

Her original and published work can be seen on:,, and

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