Best Conferencing Tips

Reach New Audiences By Live Streaming On YouTube

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Close up shot of corner of laptop screen opened to YouTube page and logo-minIf you want to turn up the volume of your message to hit home with your audience and expand your reach to other audiences, consider YouTube live streaming as part of your marketing strategy.

Your presentations, online meetings, and video conferences can truly benefit from viewers being able to access your sales demonstration or virtual meeting by watching you on your YouTube channel. You can choose to stream publicly or privately depending on who you want to reach and how you want to reach them. The possibilities are aplenty.

It’s no secret that the key to generating more awareness, including broader executive communications or conducting more targeted business depends on your online presence. The more you’re able to be accessible across different channels and outlets, the more credibility and authority you build around your business, brand, and image.

While some companies are acutely aware of the value YouTube provides as a streaming service, YouTube isn’t as widely implemented as a conference-based solution. But it can be, along with a few other options as well. The opportunity to bring together multiple live streaming options (conferencing included!) can give your business the added benefits of scalability, reachability, and exposure.

Let’s touch base on a few pointers.

What You Need To Know About YouTube:

Since its conception in 2005, YouTube has since become a household name around the world. With over 30 million daily visitors and upwards of hundreds of hours of video uploaded every 60 seconds, the platform brings in mega traffic.

To live stream an online presentation, meeting or conference, choose a video conferencing interface that comes loaded with YouTube integration.

Private And Public Live Streaming

Recording or live streaming your conference or online meeting with YouTube opens up doors for your business, or at the very least, just makes your conference more accessible. You can expand your audience or you can gain wider access to colleagues or employees in other offices. You have the option to go public or keep it private.

Public Live Streaming

Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, you are put front row and centre with the masses. “Going live” means just pressing a button and delivering. This is a fast-growing type of content that pushes forward facing material into the news feeds of the people you want to attract, convert or make aware.

This avenue has its purpose but might not be the first choice for certain executive communications…

Private Live Streaming Using A Video Conferencing Solution

…but that’s where private viewing via YouTube provides a not-so-public facing choice for broader communication. For live executive events such as training seminars, employee orientation and onboarding, user conferences, and any other event that showcases your business’ inner workings or back end operations, doing a private live stream can be advantageous.

Some organizations might find that live-streaming the release of a new product or conducting recruitment campaigns garners better results than more traditional ways of making that happen.

Enterprise video platforms have been restructured from the bulky, expensive way they once were to now be more streamlined and simplified for business. Both public and private broadcasting by way of integrating with third-party platforms, like YouTube, make for a more multi-functional solution that sets up your business to look and act more professionally.

With a focus on communication done simply and effectively from your very own laptop or device, you can brainstorm, collaborate, produce and run an entire conference, private or public, that hits your goals and generates results.

Here are a few benefits of choosing video conferencing software that come with YouTube integration and offers a premium range of features:

  • Minimal Set Up: Modern video platforms have done away with complicated IT set up. These days, it’s easier than ever before to start streaming immediately with zero downloads and a browser-based setup that allows you to deliver live and on-demand video – securely. Plus, you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection minus heavy equipment.
  • Controlled Access: The host is in charge and is provided with the utmost flexibility to allow access to video streams, whether it’s public or private. Viewers within your organization gain accessibility to your live stream with login credentials, and you can set permissions as easily as you would when setting up a shareable document. The moderation host can decide who in your company should view what by granting access to certain groups or individuals for seamless content viewing.
  • Rewind and Fast Forward: If you’re running a little late and missed the CEO’s opening statement it’s a total game changer to have the opportunity to be able to scrub back or forward to catch it or watch it again. The content is probably important if it’s being streamed in the first place which makes it necessary to have the capability to view it from wherever in the process.
  • Recording: A video conferencing platform that offers a recording option while simultaneously streaming is really helpful in the long run. Not only can you view the content in real time, but you can save it for a later date, edit it and use it for additional content or training purposes

Kick Up Your Online Presence By A Notch Or Two

Side view of woman holding mobile device attached to handheld camera dolly recording live event ahead of her-minYour business’ video conferencing needs can benefit from live streaming to YouTube in more ways than one with an online presence that:

  • Gets you noticed
  • Makes the inner workings of your organization flow more smoothly
  • Creates cohesion engagement and participation both publicly or privately:
    • Publicly creates viewership, traffic and a fan-base
    • Privately streamlines executive content for better accessibility and targeted reach

Your online presence can skyrocket by implementing one or a few of the following video marketing tactics through live streaming. Spice up any video conference by incorporating video into your communication strategy and watch as the levels of engagement and participation spike:

7. Live Product Demos, Promotions and Tutorials

Reel in audiences by demonstrating, promoting or hosting a tutorial via YouTube. Whether live or pre-recorded, your informative video can create a sense of urgency by providing a limited time offer, a one-time special deal or a unique showcase.
How it benefits business:
Live stream it to increase traffic to your website
Including an offer prompts sales conversions
Going live provides ample content to be used down the line. Use it on other channels like Facebook and Instagram
Showcases product knowledge

6. Q&A In Real-time

Perfect for all brands across any industry, this type of video opens the channel for discussion and brings your brand closer to your audience. If you need to address a mishap, do a little PR damage control, or get up close and personal with a thought leader or brand authority, a Q&A, Ask Me Anything or FAQ done live work to create trust and build brand integrity.

How it benefits business

  • Forges a tighter bond with audiences
  • Builds engagement
  • Creates leads
  • Reinforces brand presence

5. Product Launch – Live

Advertising and building hype is required for this one, but with a little forethought and effort, the potential to attract attention to your event is huge. The buzz surrounding the event and the event itself is all digital, totally removing the need for a physical set up. This option is more inclusive and can double, triple and quadruple overall attendance.

How it benefits business:

  • Repurpose bits and pieces of the recordings
  • Serves small brands well as a way to boost awareness, and highlight online presence
  • Works as a hub for other marketing tactics to build on – a sale, demo, Q&A, etc.

4. On-the-spot Interviews

Host an interview with someone who has made a name for themselves in your industry. Or, if you’re a smaller business, generate awareness by remaining consistent and selecting a brand ambassador to regularly interview and become the face of the organization. Perfect for creating content too.

How it benefits business:

  • Add dimension to the interview and take questions from the audience
  • Stream and distribute across multiple channels
  • Make more human by putting a face to the organization

3. Behind the Scenes

Getting up close and personal behind that camera shows your audience you have little to hide. Plus it adds a sense of exclusivity and “insider” knowledge. There are real people working tirelessly behind your brand, so don’t be afraid to be present.

How it benefits business:

  • Shows a more “human” side
  • Shines a light on the team behind the project
  • Is approachable

2. Educational Event

With the opportunity to learn and be educated right at the ends of your very fingertips, everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of desiring to learn more. Provide your audience with “knowledge-based” takeaways that make them feel like they aren’t walking away empty-handed.

How it benefits business:

  • Appeals to a larger demographic
  • Any industry can impart educational content
  • Allows the audience to gain insight from a key player

1. Stream An Offline Event

Physical conferences, conventions, summits, large or small meetings, syncs and assemblies can all take place in a virtual environment. It’s easy and so beneficial to take it online. Live or recorded, video conferencing provides any gathering the capability to live and breathe offline.

Consider how streaming online meetings:

  • Unites remote workers
  • Brings together a large network
  • Is super cost-effective
  • Can be done on any device

How it benefits business:

  • Multiply the number of attendees
  • Transition any physical gathering into online space
  • Can be monetized
  • Generates buzz and hype
  • Furthers the growth of a community

Darekend straight-on shot of man holding up mobile phone to forehead with YouTube live streaming-minBulk up your marketing strategy to multiply your YouTube audience or simply get closer to your team in a virtual setting by:

  • Commenting – Leave constructive comments that can be organized by event or popularity. You can also engage with the users who comment on your video to get your recording seen, generate more views and improve traffic.
  • Liking – While a bit more passive than leaving comments, this is still a form of interacting with content that gets you seen.
  • Subscribing – If you want your users to stay up-to-date with your organization’s latest content, uploads and meetings, entice your audience to subscribe. If it’s teammates, suggest they subscribe by sending out a newsletter or tagging them. By constantly suggesting users subscribe to your channel, you’ll get more traffic and increase the number of views. Plus, subscribers will get push notifications when you upload new content; It’s a perfect way to keep people on board the latest video or recorded meeting.
  • Pro-tip: Be sure to incorporate “Subscribe” reminders at the beginning and the end of your video.
  • Creating Playlists – Use YouTube’s playlist feature to organize likeable and relevant content that users will find helpful. Furthermore, as an added bonus, you can organize other users’ content with a list, so if you’re an advertising or real estate agency, you can compile a reel of videos that exhibit client’s work and properties (respectively), which makes content accessible and easy to peruse.
  • Sharing – Gain access on other social media networks like Facebook, Google Plus, Reddit, Twitter and more when you use YouTube’s widget to share videos.
  • Messaging – Want to personally contact a colleague or user? Fire off a direct private message to anyone.

Tips For Hosting A Successfully Streamed Virtual Event:

Here’s a quick breakdown of how you can finesse and perfect your next streamed online meeting using video conferencing software:

  1. Outline Your Plan of Attack:
    Build your delivery around a key concept or goal. Start planning by asking a few of the following questions:

    • What’s the audience experience you want to create?
    • Will the event be live, on-demand, or both?
    • Who do I want to see this content?
    • Will I make my streamed video public or private?
    • Do I want to monetize?
    • Do I expect a huge or small turnout? Should I set up registration in advance?
    • How do I want people to get wind of my event?
    • Do I want a sponsor or advertiser? Or is this an internal event?
    • Can people access the stream another time?
  2. Timing is Everything:
    Send out save the dates, ensure holidays won’t get in the way, and definitely consider how time zones might affect attendance.
  3. Let Everyone Know About Your Conference:
    What will attract attendees? Think about what will draw people to view your live stream; like a keynote speaker, an educational opportunity, a product demonstration, etc. Use this unique selling point as your value proposition in company emails, newsletters, social media and more.
  4. Set Aside Time For Glitches:
    Show up early and go through your tech by testing your internet connection, speakers, camera and mic. Run a rehearsal if you can! That way you’ll save yourself a headache and ask for support if required.
  5. Keep It Easily Accessible:
    Make it as easy as possible to show up and view your stream without discomfort. Short succinct messaging, clear vocal projection, bright colors, images, captions and presentation flow all play a part in your delivery.
  6. Make It Fun:
    Engage users by asking them questions on the spot, or getting them to submit questions in advance. They don’t have to engage, but inviting them makes it more interesting. If you have a large audience, bring in a moderator to supervise questions and make sure everything stays on track.

With Callbridge, you have all the tools and features you need to reach your current audience and include an untapped audience. Whether you’re looking for private or public streaming, Callbridge’s sophisticated features and YouTube live stream integration will get you where you need to go. Make the most of your video conferencing software to get you the exposure you’re looking for, hit the numbers you want, and generate the sales you need.

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Picture of Sara Atteby

Sara Atteby

As customer success manager, Sara works with every department in iotum to make sure customers are getting the service they deserve. Her diverse background, working in a variety of industries in three different continents, helps her to thoroughly understand each client’s needs, wants and challenges. In her spare time, she is a passionate photography pundit and martial arts maven.

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